
May 10, 2019‐May 26, 2019

Reception: May 10, 7‐9pm

Staying near you
Chapter 4: Jane Balfus, Dakotah Murphree, Deirdre Keough

Only the homemade theories we create out of our shared lives really help us to make sense of everything we are and all that we find to love.
– Aurora Levins Morales

You probably won't see this but it's worth a shot. I have so much more to tell you and ask you! You still have no idea I exist...


...We are a place inviting you
It is not prescriptive
It is nuanced and forever morphing
It is so tender
to look with a chapter four gaze because this serves as a reminder that there is so much depth and beauty in fragmentation
The irrepressible sense of wonder and hysteria that comes with loving deeply

Kind eyes are currency to me
How lovely it is to find sisters who cast themselves in understanding True sisters give the gift of ornamentation
The layers are sown

Make me feel like a braid does Aware of its roots
Dependent on interweaving And forgiving of lost strands

Misshapen things Truly some detritus of that not said realm,
Sat on that word, on the discrepancies

A stain casts a shadow
The sweaty mark climbs

I carried it on my back and into a field
Her hands answered in stones:

I believe and I feel and I want

But we do
But we do
But we do

– Chapter 4, New York, May 2019