
November 13, 2022‐?

Service starts:


5.0 out of 5 stars

Ay plus ay plus ay plus
Reviewed in the United States

Handstand Jumping Jack Twirl Kick Punch Fight Biff Pow Bang Lunge Macarena A+
A+ A+ A+ A+

5.0 out of 5 stars

Discretion advised.
Reviewed in the United States

Astounding and unexpected material - at 600 pages, the value is unbelievable

2 people found this helpful

Screenshots on the Métro

Brock Boomer complained
Where is the sublimity where is the poetry where is all really cool beautiful stuff? Stud-moppet classicist, don't be sad they're not making masterpieces anymore but they're not trying either
That's a quote I think
Masterpieces are kinda heavy not kinda
A lot. A lot heavy. Lugubrious.
Fatal pretense
The Iliad The Odyssey Aeneid
Le chanson de whatever
Cheap and cynical and lazy
Yeah I'll be happy that masterpieces are not happening

-David Rimanelli

For me, most great art involves humor; Ryan's book, as well as being easy to leaf through, has enormous humor. His work reminds me of two of my favorite artists, who, like Ryan, are Sagttaurius, Ed Ruscha and Michael Snow.
-Dan Graham

Ryan showed me this book tonight, the first thing I noticed is how cheap the paper felt and how big the book is. It has the same weight as a phone book and the same three people liked every photo. However, the book is good, "People like unsweetened milk, give him a break!"

It's literally a garbage book that is cool and perfect for the bathroom. Its a unique piece by a great artist with terrible ideas!!!

Buy it!

--Jamian Juliano-Villani

Installation view.

Installation view.

Installation view.